Should You Have Architectural Or Three-Tab Shingles Installed?

Has the time come to put a new roof on your home and you're debating between using architectural or three-tab shingles? If so, it helps to know some of the major differences between them so you can make an informed decision.

Three-Tab Shingles

One of the biggest differences with three-tab shingles that you will instantly notice is the look of them. They are notably thinner than architectural shingles and they lay very flat on the roof. However, this thin design gives them an advantage you may not have thought of. If you are doing a tear-off roof where three-tab shingles are your base layer, it allows you to easily do a layover roof the next time you need a roof replacement. This can help make your next roof replacement more affordable.

You may notice that the styles to pick from with a three-tab shingle are quite limited. Manufacturers are making them less these days, so there are fewer colors and styles available. You will be able to find one that fits the existing look of your home without an issue, but you don't have a wide range of material to pick from anymore.

Architectural Shingles

Architectural shingles stand out from their three-tab counterparts due to their look. The shingles are not thin and flat but have a 3D look to them where they raise off the roof slightly. This can give your home a more modern look that helps it stand out in a great way. However, know that the raised nature of the shingles does not allow you to perform a roof layover for your next roof. Hopefully, this shouldn't be an issue because you'll find that the thicker nature of architectural shingles helps them last a lot longer. For example, architectural shingles are rated to resist damage from stronger winds than three-tab shingles.

There are a lot more colors and styles to pick from when it comes to architectural shingles, so you'll have plenty of options to find the right one for your home. This is due to architectural shingles becoming more popular over the years and homeowners shifting more towards this style. Manufacturers have noticed the change and are now making more options to pick from.

The warranty between these two shingle materials should be very comparable, so don't let this be a deciding factor. Know that each manufacturer is different though, so look at the warranty carefully so you know what you are getting. Talk to a roofing company for more information.
